Why is Everybody Selling Their Stocks?

October 27, 2008 · Filed Under Economy, Fiscal 

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The Dow-Jones has been dropping each day by hundreds of points lately, but why? As you might have noticed, as Obama has taken the lead in the polls, Wall Street has been heading south.

While there are many factors in play here, one basic issue is capital gains.

Simply put, the current rate for capital gains taxes is 15%. So, if you sell your stocks now, you keep 85 percent of your capital profits.

However, Barack Obama mentioned during the primaries that he would consider increasing the capital gains tax to 28 percent. Therefore, you would keep 72% of capital profits if Obama has his way.

So, is it any wonder there is a big sell off right now?

Meanwhile, John McCain has proposed reducing taxes on long-term capital gains to 7.5% in 2009 and 2010 as part of an economic package to stimulate growth, according to Bloomberg.

Now the McCain economic plan is change we need to turn things around!


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