Bill Ayers Dedicates a Book to Sirhan Sirhan

October 31, 2008 · Filed Under Ethics, News, Rashid Khalidi, William Ayers 

There is a forgotten communist manifesto, titled Prarie Fire, authored by Bill Ayers, his wife Bernadine Dohrn, and two fellow members of the Weather Underground terrorist organization.

A copy of the 1974 book was found by the blog, and they posted extensive scans of pages and details of the contents of the Prarie Fire book.

Being that the book was written in 1974, Barack Obama was just 13 at the time.

But a couple decades later, as a grown man, Obama’s political coming-out party would be in the living room of Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

Dinner parties with the likes of Rashid Khalidi and other people from the neighborhood would follow, as well as professional relationships.

And Obama was so enamoured with Ayers that he endorsed a book by the terrorist.

Anhow, the subtitle of Prarie Fire is “The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism” and the authors identify themselves as follows:

We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years.

Prarie Fire by Bill Ayers

Aside from the disturbing content in this ideological manifesto of Bill Ayers’ Weather Underground, a noteworthy dedication in the book is to Sirhan Sirhan.

Yes, the same Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated RFK.

Bill Ayers dedication to Sirhan Sirhan

I know Democrats are convinced that nobody cares about Bill Ayers.

But I’ve got to wonder what Teddy Kennedy would think of this friend of Obama, a guy who paid tribute to the murderer of Kennedy’s brother.

Read the essay at


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