Photoshopping in Iran

July 15, 2008 · Filed Under News, Podcasts ·  

RedHatBlueHat, the weekly political podcast where marketing guys from both sides of the aisle banter, argue and debate politics, covered lots of ground in episode 8.

The attempt by Iran to Photoshop rockets kicked things off, along with Vice-Presidential predictions, whether Jesse Jackson is nuts, and some lighthearted talk about which cable news network has the best “newschicks”.

The show runs a compact 53 minutes.

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Obama the One-Man Gaffe Machine

May 30, 2008 · Filed Under Iran, News ·  

Democrats love to highlight each and every gaffe from President Bush, just as they did with Dan Quayle and Ronald Reagan.

Despite volumes of goofs by the likes of Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama, the mainstream media doesn’t seem to be as curious about reporting their lies, mistakes, and malapropisms.

So it was refreshing to see a recap of recent Obama gaffes in the Wall Street Journal today.

The article points out a list of Obama’s greatest, recent hits, like his uncle who liberated Auschwitz, how the U.S. has 57 states, and that Iran doesn’t prove to be a serious threat.

Read the complete article at

Methinks Obama Doth Protest Too Much

May 20, 2008 · Filed Under Foreign Policy, News ·  

Obama continues to make a fuss about the speech from President Bush last week in Israel.

President Bush said, “Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.”

I don’t see a reference to Obama or Democrats in those words, but Obama sure did.

Apparently, Senator Obama sees the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea as “terrorists and radicals”, because he agreed to meet with those folks “without preconditions” (based on comments he made in a debate in Charleston, SC on 7/23/07), and he read Bush’s words as a criticism of this plan.

Barack Obama called the Bush remarks “appalling” and “divisive” and presented himself as a victim.

“He accused me and other Democrats of wanting to negotiate with terrorists, and said we were appeasers. No different from people that appeased Adolf Hitler.”

Let’s be clear here. Bush never cited Obama or anybody else by name.

I would think Obama would also be averse to negotiations with terrorists and radicals, right?

Hamas Endorsement of Obama

May 16, 2008 · Filed Under Foreign Policy ·  

Some of the endorsements for Obama failed to get the fanfare of the John Edwards endorsement.

As the Power Line blog mentioned last month, Hamas endorsed Barack Obama.

Based on his comments back in March, it sounds like Hugo Chavez is an Obama man.

Iran is on the Barack Bandwagon, too.

Leaders of rogue nations are digging Obama’s approach of meeting them without preconditions and giving them credibility.

Has Bin Laden declared a favorite, yet?

Obama on Meeting Rogue Leaders without Preconditions

May 15, 2008 · Filed Under Foreign Policy ·  

Question: “Would you be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?”…

Obama: “I would. And the reason is this, that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them — which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration - is ridiculous.”

Sen. Barack Obama
CNN/YouTube Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate
Charleston, SC