The Barack Obama Infomercial

October 29, 2008 · Filed Under John McCain, News 

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Tonight is the big night for Barack Obama to delay the World Series, so he can run his infomercial.

One of the highlights of the Obama infomercial will be his naming of intended members of his Cabinet, in the event he is able to successfully purchase the election.

Names being floated include the Shamwow guy, Billy Mays from Mighty Putty, as well as Diddy and Lindsay Lohan for their work hawking Proactiv.

In related news, John McCain vows to never delay the World Series to run his own infomercial.

John McCain: “And he’s planned his first address to the nation, an infomercial. By the way, I will never delay the start of the World Series for an infomercial.”


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    "Tonight is the big night for Barack Obama to delay the World Series, so he can run his infomercial."

    That's false as well. The World Series isn't being delayed one minute, they're just not going to have the pregame.
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    Tell me, when did the other World Series games begin?

    Hint... it wasn't 8:37.
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    Fox said it -

    "But the Fox account executive who negotiated the ad buy said Obama's ad isn't delaying the first pitch -- it's just replacing the pre-game show.

    "Our first pitch for the world series is usually around 8:30 anyway -- so we didn't push back the game, it was really just about suspending the pre-game -- you know, Joe Buck," said the account executive, Joe Coppola. "That's all we did."
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    Fox didn't answer my question, and neither did you. "Around 8:30" could is about as imprecise as Obama's definition of the middle class.

    The World Series games haven't been starting as late as 8:37. I've been cognizant of the time, because my kids wanted to see the early parts of the games before going to sleep.

    And Fox will be running a 7 minute pre-game. Spokesman for Fox Sports, Dan Bell, stated that they would have to shorten the pregame, but would still run it.
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    "said Obama's ad isn't delaying the first pitch"

    Not delaying first pitch. First pitch is start of game. Not delayed. Not from me, from Fox.

    Just woke up, so I haven't read about this yet but is this really happening:

    "One of the highlights of the Obama infomercial will be his naming of intended members of his Cabinet, in the event he is able to successfully purchase the election."

    That's perfect. He's a smart guy and he's picked some great talent to have around him. And six days out, this will be on the top of the news next few days. Perfect timing.
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    > "said Obama's ad isn't delaying the first pitch"

    I was saying the first pitch wasn't that late when I watched.
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    Riveting infomercial! I was expecting the “Billy Mays here…” introduction. Can we get 2 Barrack Obama's if we vote in the next 15 minutes?

    The only reason he had the $$$ to run the infomercial is because he broke a pledge to the American people on public financing limits.

    John McCain kept his promise. Yes, honor and integrity maters when you run a campaign on Hope and Change.
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    But really, breaking the campaign finance promise is the last time he'll break a promise.

    Gigantic increases in spending and tax cuts are really going to happen... really.
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    I was just looking at my stats for today and one of the top ten keywords people are searching to find the site is: billy mays obama

    I think Obama needs some Mighty Putty to make his BS stick from last night.
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    Yeah, he did kind of break his pledge, give you that. But McCain is using tax dollars to fund his campaign, Obama isn't. And these socialist comments you've made. Let's be real:

    Support of bailout - socialist?

    McCain's 300 billion buying up of mortages - socialist?

    $5000 to everybody for health - more government taking care of people.

    McCain was born into this world using government run healthcare and uses it today.

    I tell you the biggest promise he broke, putting the country first. You guys know he could have picked any number of people that were more qualified than Palin. He put his own self interests/his party ahead of country.

    These Obama and terrorists issues. The ones tied to Obama, teach college here in the U.S. McCain help fund one of their organizations with half a million dollars. The guy he hired to run his transistion team, a Saddam Hussein lobbyist. They hung that terrorist, he's not over each teaching at our schools. Nice ties there.

    VP pick, a seccionist. Husband was a member in the organization, she spoke at them. Video of them saying we got the governor we wanted in Palin. Did you listen to the speech she gave in Alaska after getting the VP pick? Sounded like she thought the U.S. was some foreign country. A lot of us and them.

    McCain and the economy, same as Bush. He says we'll cut spending, they'll all say that. But where is the money going to come from for the 300 billion buying up of mortages, the $5000 for health for each person, Palin wanting to fulling fund special nees programs? That money doesn't grow on trees.

    Economy, McCain admits he doesn't have a clue, just some of his comments in this video -

    So the Repubicans in a nutshell have a Socialist and a Seccionist for their ticket. Doesn't sound too American to me.
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    Tell your friends, and show them the proof.

    Adolf Hitler was well-known to have used hypnosis on crowds to gain power in Germany. (Just Google it if you doubt it.) So why cant this happen in America? It is happening.

    Now, this document, An Examination of Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches is really spreading. Many people, including young people, are starting to wake up.

    Young people have come up with a saying, "Don't drink the kool-aid Obama is pushing on you."

    Obama has no accomplishments, we don't know him, he wrote a memoir, he has racist connections, he is using hypnosis, and he thinks he's the Messiah and that he should be in control of the world. We've seen this story before in Germany in the 1930's, haven't we? We know what happened there.

    Obama's use of hypnosis in speeches is why:
    -nothing sticks to him
    -the huge crowds
    -the huge money contributions
    -the mesmerized effect, especially in young people, who, because of their imaginations are more susceptible to hypnosis (read the document)
    -the exorbitant election fraud, rule-breaking and bias in the media
    -he gets away with changing every position
    -people are calling him the "greatest leader of a generation" with no accomplishments

    You have to read this document to understand how his hypnosis works. Logically and rationally, why not get to know this guy a little more before handing the world over to him? Why not wait?

    An Examination of Obama's use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches can be found at

    PS - "Dont drink Obama's Kool-Aid"
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    It's called swagger. There are times where I might type lol but the reality is I'm not really laughing. But this time I actually am. I might have also cracked a rib laughing so hard.

    Speaking of Nazis and McCain/Palin -
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    Jonathan aka " Paulie the Parrot"

    Now do you see why I call you "Paulie the Parrot"? You keep parroting the S.O.S. !

    No wonder you keeping getting your ass handed back to you. You need to start trying to find something more original than the S.O.S. you keep copying and pasting from all those looney tune sources you slober over.

    Then again, after all the Obama Kool-Aid you keep getting drunk off of, I'm not surprised. I sure hope you are not driving after you've been drinking that stuff.

    But wait! Are you even old enough to have a drivers license?
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    "But wait! Are you even old enough to have a drivers license?"

    Actually no, but that's not a secret. I posted about that years ago at ABW with a link to the Oprah show I was on. I was one of the youngest with a website, it was very popular site on children's toys that I started on AOL Hometown page and moved it to a regular site. Now you can come over to that forum for some education because I hate to see noobs like you running around talking about Alexa rankings, it's like a Noob stamp.

    Shawn told me you were crying because I didn't respond to your last 30+ posts. Like I said, I think people reading all that, might think you're a little weird. Good work. Did exactly what I wanted you to do.

    Now that this election is pretty much over, I'm going to miss you as this is going to be my last post here. Plus, I found another forum that has some real Conservative Republicans that actually discuss issues. I thought this would be such a place but it turns out to be more of a haven for the fringe element of your party. So after Obama wins in a couple of days, this place for the next 8 years will just be even more of that. I have better things to do than listen to whiny, conspiracy theory type grown ups for the next 8 years. But every now and then I do like to talk politics and I'll message you with the forum I'm posting at, the one with real Republicans and Democrats. Just in case you ever mature or develop the confidence to actually discuss issues. But in the meantime, do what you do. It's what I expect from you.

    You're so obvious, let me lay out the map. You'll respond as usual calling me childish names, hoping to elicit a response like you did the last 30+ times. You won't get one because as I've posted above, I've moved on and won't be posting here anymore. But since you're in love with me and I base that on all the times you've asked me out on a date/the stalking, I'll still be on your mind for awhile. And you'll start all of your posts for a long time thinking about me. You're just showing the board how much you're into me and how much I'm on your mind and they probably think you're pathetic but you can't help yourself. That's how you stay losing.
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    Obama infomercial video is Great. America is ready for some real change. I am so excited!

    The greatness of a nation is not how wealthy a few are....but in how you look after the poor and more vulnerable in society.

    Great Speech by Barack Obama. Check out Barack Obama Infomercial Video here


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