Does Obama Support Sex Education for Kindergartners?

July 17, 2008 · Filed Under News, Opinion 

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This may sound like a crazy question, but could Barack Obama possibly advocate sex education for Kindergartners?

See for yourself what he has to say about the issue.

This is what he had to say…

“I remember him (Alan Keyes, who ran against Obama for Senate in 2004) using this in his campaign against me:

(Mimicking Keyes) ‘Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergartners’

Which — I didn’t know what to tell him (laughter from the Planned Parenthood audience).

But it’s the right thing to do… to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in schools.”

What in the world is age-appropriate sex education for such young children?

This is disgraceful and I’d have to seriously consider home schooling or investigating private schools if this sort of thing becomes the norm.
