Freedom of Flip Flop

July 4, 2008 · Filed Under Gaffe, Iraq, John McCain, Opinion ·  

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Remember that Barack Obama who ran hard during the Democratic primary with the commitment to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq over 16-months?

Well, he’s thinking about “refining” that plan.

When he makes a Mideast trip this summer, he says “I am going to do a thorough assessment when I’m there.”

So now that he’s starting to learn more about what’s happening in Iraq, he might be changing his 16-month troop withdrawal timetable?

He went on to say, “I’m sure I’ll have more information and continue to refine my policy” and that he is going to “continue to gather information to see whether those conditions still hold” for withdrawing the troops within 16 months.

It’s almost as if he didn’t examine the issue previously. Can the country afford to have somebody who is so behind on the learning curve?

Not to mention, is there any issue where Obama hasn’t flip flopped, yet?