The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans

October 29, 2008 · Filed Under John McCain, News, Opinion 

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I came across some insightful videos on YouTube from a guy named Alfonzo (Zo) Rachel with the user name: machosauceproduction.

Zo, the Founder of Macho Sauce Productions, describes himself as “a musician, martial artist, amateur movie makin’, Christian conservative republican,” and he delivers an entertaining, commonsense explanation for why he is voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Watch his new video, 1 More B4 11 04, and a handful of other videos on YouTube.

Aside from his political commentary, I liked his music video, “It’s Time to drill,” a lot, too. Check out his other music on MySpace, where he does the vocals and music as Twenty Pound Sledge.

Nice work, Zo.


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