Polls Show Barack Obama Losing Ground

October 22, 2008 · Filed Under John McCain, News 

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Pollster John Zogby suggests that Barack Obama could win in a landslide, but the Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll is not consistent with other polls coming out today.

RealClearPolitics is showing a 6.8% spread across a number of polls.

And the Associated Press-GfK poll shows Obama and McCain in a dead heat.

Perhaps the voters do care about cutting spending, eliminating earmarks, Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, ACORN, Tony Rezko, etc.


Viewing 26 Comments

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    Don't forget that we live with the Electoral College system (which RealClearPolitics has Obama locked up already with 286, not counting states like NC, Missouri, FL, OH, etc where he is leading).

    National polls are fun, but at the end of the day they don't matter when it comes down to who is elected president (you can even be "popularly elected" but not win the presidency as we proved in 2000).
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    I think from all we've seen, I'd say the majority do not care about Obama's association with Bill Ayres, Rev. Wright Tony Rezko, Louis Farrakhan or any other number of sleazeballs. Ask any liberal if they know to whom Obama directed funds while on the Woods Foundation or the Annenburg Challenge. None of them will know because no sound bytes provided the answer during commercials around Dancing with the Stars. (I'll give you a hint-they were entirely focused on individuals with radical anti-American ideology). Look, (as Obama arrogantly says) the American public have become completely immune to ugly. Everywhere you look they are trashing each other. I am beyond ashamed of how liberals have behaved. Having watched the liberals destroy this Republic over more than a decade has made me nauseous. I truly despise their ideology of destroy people at all costs. America has suffered an attack from liberals that makes 9-11 pale in comparison. I no longer consider them Americans.
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    ? We had Republicans pretty much in control last decade, look where we're at. And it's clear when you look at both campaigns, which one is more into dividing (McCain) and which one is more into bringing people together (Obama). Also the Democratic Party is more a reflection of our country. Look no further than the Conventions. The Republican Convention, you probably had 95% white. Our country is not 95%+ white. It's a very tired party controlled by the base, which is made up of a lot of extreme, right, backwards types.

    And it is about the electoral college, which Obaba has a substantial lead. It doesn't help to have a VP (Palin) that doesn't even understand how our government works.
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    > And it's clear when you look at both campaigns, which one is more into dividing (McCain) and which one is more into bringing people together (Obama).

    How have the Republicans been divisive?

    I need not reach far for examples from the Democrats - we've got the class warfare they're playing with the 95% of hard working Americans vs. the 5% of evil wealthy.

    And then there is Obama's repeatedly playing the race card: http://obama2.com/archives/barack-obama-plays-t...

    > The Republican Convention, you probably had 95% white. Our country is not 95%+ white. It's a very tired party controlled by the base, which is made up of a lot of extreme, right, backwards types.

    Thanks for the insight, Rep. Murtha. As I've said before, I can see your IP - just use your real name already, you hateful troll.

    It is nice to see that the Obama campaign is finally embracing unity and allowing Muslims into the picture - http://obama2.com/archives/no-head-scarf-zone-f...
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    "How have the Republicans been divisive?"

    Are you serious? All the anti-american rhetoric and terrorist stuff, trying to scare up the vote as usual is not only divisive but dangerously so for somebody who's about to be our President. It's a shameful and despicable campaign they've been running. The robocalls are something else.

    And stop with the troll stuff. I know what you can see, I'm not a noob. And do you disagree with what I said about the conventions? Do you want to watch some video? It's true.

    “93 percent of the Republican delegation is white.”

    Do you think America is 93% white?

    It's a tired and old party, doesn't reflect true America. And one of the reasons why, as I've posted before, is you've gone way too far to the right. The moderates in your party should be the base. It's like that for the Democrats. That's why you're not getting the independent vote. Unless you want to see Dems running things for the rest of your life, you should stop supporting the crayz right, aka Palin. You alone thinking she's qualified to be President speaks volumes.
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    Just wanted to add something. I don't have a problem with moderate Republicans besides differences on issues. And that's fine. You can debate those to death and 9/10 it just winds up as agree to disagree. I have friends and family that are moderates. But I do have a problem with what I consider the crazy wings, the right wing and as I've posted before, I even have a problem with crazy left wingers as well. I'm more of a moderate with a step to the left.

    Also wanted to point out that Obama/Biden raised a record $150 million in September. You might be firing up the right but you're probably firing up the Democrats even more. Most of this stuff just helps the Democrats.
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    I guess we'll find out soon enough if the highest office in our country is for sale.

    It's a shame Obama didn't remain true to his word and accept public financing: http://obama2.com/archives/obama-breaks-campaig...

    But I'm sure he plans to keep his other campaign promises.
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    > Are you serious? All the anti-american rhetoric and terrorist stuff, trying to scare up the vote as usual is not only divisive but dangerously so for somebody who's about to be our President.

    Who is being divided? People sympathetic to terrorists vs. people who dislike terrorists?

    > And do you disagree with what I said about the conventions? Do you want to watch some video? It's true.

    I can't say what the racial or ethnic composition was for either convention. I saw a bunch of Americans at each one.

    The fact that you saw something very different is more telling about you than anything else.

    > you should stop supporting the crayz right, aka Palin. You alone thinking she's qualified to be President speaks volumes.

    If the "crazy right" is emblematic of the ticket, why do you suppose so much of the country supports McCain and Palin?

    That's a rhetorical question to illustrate that what's different from you doesn't equal crazy.
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    "But I'm sure he plans to keep his other campaign promises."

    I could list some McCain broke as well, so.

    "The fact that you saw something very different is more telling about you than anything else."

    Lots of people made note of it.


    It's just telling that I watch the news.

    "why do you suppose so much of the country supports McCain and Palin?"

    They're losing. You also have 30 some percent that still think Bush is doing a good job. So I don't put much weight into those opinions.

    Also, when Obama picked Biden, did you see any Democrats questioning he could take over if needed? No. Do you see that from Republicans as far as Palin? Yes. You have newspapers that have always supported the Repubican candidate endorsing Obama, a democrat for the first time ever. You have many Republicans now questioning the Palin pick. For the obvious reason that she's not qualifed and also for their political lives. I don't even believe you when you post that you think she's qualifed. I think it's more falling in line, closing up ranks. I think you would support whoever he picked. But you're going to see more and more Republicans questioning that Palin pick because they realize what I've posted. You need to bring it back to the middle.
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    FYI - the reason this comment was delayed is that it was flagged as spam.

    Lots of left-wingers have something negative to say about Republicans? Really?

    > Also, when Obama picked Biden, did you see any Democrats questioning he could take over if needed? No. Do you see that from Republicans as far as Palin? Yes.

    I didn't keep score, but it's nice to see that one side has free thinkers that aren't afraid to voice their opinions.

    Did you happen to see the interview between Governor Palin and Drew Griffin on CNN?

    That was quite a tidy hatchet job... if you were aware of the article he cited when asking...

    "Yeah. Governor, you've been mocked in the press. The press has been pretty hard on you, the Democrats have been pretty hard on you, but also some conservatives have been pretty hard on you as well. The National Review had a story saying that, you know, I can't tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above."

    The National Review article was actually a criticism of the mainstream media and the way they were trying to portray Palin.

    The full quote, which was intentionally taken out of context by CNN:

    "Watching press coverage of the Republican candidate for vice president, it's sometimes hard to decide whether Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, backward, or - or, well, all of the above."

    > You have many Republicans now questioning the Palin pick. For the obvious reason that she's not qualified...

    What, exactly, are the qualifications she lacks, and how much do you know about her?

    I realize that the mainstream media doesn't bother to highlight her accomplishments, but you can find them if you bother.

    > I think you would support whoever he picked.

    I think you don't know a thing about me.
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    "I realize that the mainstream media doesn't bother to highlight her accomplishments, but you can find them if you bother."

    Are you kidding? The mainstream media has been trying to get interviews. They've been hiding her. There is an upcoming one with Brian Williams but McCain had to be by her side.
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    I don't agree that they are hiding her, but rather the mainstream media has exhibited a clear bias to date.

    - Charlie Gibson was wrong about the Bush Doctrine and tried to portray her as confused on the subject.
    - Katie Couric mischaracterized the views on diplomacy of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in a similar effort to Gibson.
    - Drew Griffin takes a quote out of context from the National Review (see http://obama2.com/archives/cnn-hatchet-job-on-s...) to pretend an article maligned Palin when it did not

    So either the mainstream media has a problem with their factchecking or they are intentionally trying to portray her negatively.

    Either way, I don't see much wisdom in repeatedly walking into traps by Obama's apparatchiks.
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    "I don't agree that they are hiding her, but rather the mainstream media has exhibited a clear bias to date."

    haha c'mon now. At the time of the debates, since they were chosen for VP, Biden gave over 90, Palin 3. Charles Gibson, Katie Couric and then the love fest with Hannity. 2 out of the 3 were bad. 90-3. That's hiding. I know she's given a few since, mostly Fox or with daddy by her side but she's never made the rounds on some of the Sunday shows ala Meet The Press. That's hiding Shawn. Purposely keeping her away from real reporters with real questions. I don't blame them from what I've seen but if they picked someone qualified, they would have the confidense to let them go on their own.

    But look at this in a positive light. This blog will have life for at least 8 more years, it can be a hangout for the Obama haters, while my vpilf traffic takes a dive.
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    > real reporters with real questions

    Are you aware of any "real reporters with real questions" behaving so hostile with Biden?

    Neither am I.
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    You actually have to get in front of a reporter to get real questions before that's even possible. And it's hostile to ask questions? Reporters are supposed to ask questions, that's their job and sometimes they're going to be tough questions. It was a touch question to ask her about her foreign policy experience (I can see Russia from Alaska) or what she thought of the Bush doctrine (she had no idea) or ask about Supreme court cases (again no idea) or what a VP does (no idea). These are basic questions you're supposed to know.
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    Posted before I was done. I didn't see one interview that was hostile. I've seen them all, not hard when you only give a handful. If there was any hostility, it was from people after watching them because most were like wtf. They couldn't believe what they were seeing and this person might actually be in charge of our country one day. She has the lowest VP polls ever, worse than Dan Quayle, another Republican winning pick.
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    I cited three examples above: http://obama2.com/archives/polls-show-barack-ob...

    When, in his 90 interviews, has Biden has similar treatment?

    > what she thought of the Bush doctrine

    Gibson had no idea that there have been 4 definitions - he's the one that was clueless there.

    So, she has misspoken on occasion. Biden does it daily. But you don't see it on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, etc.
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    Actually you do, but you actually have to check out those other channels and not watch Fox all day long. They were talking about the latest Biden gaffe all day long on MSNBC.

    "When, in his 90 interviews, has Biden has similar treatment?"

    I'm sure he's seen questions in all 90 interviews. That's what interviews are. You know, somebody asks a question and you're supposed to answer as best as possible.

    Do you feel reporters aren't supposed to ask Palin questions? Seriously, Katie Couric. She's not exactly considered a hard nosed reporter. And Palin couldn't even handle that? And she's getting depressed from all of this and her people try to keep her from the bad press because it's draining? She's just not qualified nor cut out for this. Reasonable Republicans at least can admit. it.
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    Look at this -


    That's excitement. You don't see those numbers at any McCain/Palin rally. Change is coming, it'll be great.
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    I don't know what to tell you - I've already explained that I watch all of the stations.

    Not sure the latest Bidenism is a gaffe - it was a pretty thorough assessment, rather than a minor slipup.

    I did see Obama, on MSNBC actually, try to explain it away as something that applied to McCain, too.

    > I'm sure he's seen questions in all 90 interviews.

    Of course, he had questions, but I'm talking about setups, gotcha questions.

    I haven't seen footage of any - that's pretty impressive that he has gotten softballs in every interview.

    But yeah, no media bias at all.

    > Do you feel reporters aren't supposed to ask Palin questions?

    I don't feel anything about it - I think the candidates should receive equal treatment from the media.

    It's not happening, and even some Democrats are disgusted by it: http://www.ldsmag.com/ideas/081017light.html

    Still waiting on the qualifications she lacks for the office, as compared to Biden, as requested hours ago - http://obama2.com/archives/polls-show-barack-ob...
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    "gotcha questions"

    Gotcha is just a copout. You're supposed to ready, sharp. I've never seen it this bad from Republicans with all these excuses they give. They're supposed to be tough, able to handle it. Now it's constant crying about the "liberal" media. But when you actually hold that up to the light. Are you telling me the Clintons never had it rough with media? Obama's gotten it too, he's just not crying about it.

    But I will give you this. I do agree Obama went back on his word about campaign financing but....

    McCain's campaign is getting financed by the government.

    Obama's campaign is getting financed by the people.

    Now which one is kind of socialist?
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    No, a cop-out is when I ask you for one example of the media going after Biden and you can't produce it.

    Even the likes of the Washington Post are reporting on the clear bias from the media: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008...

    > Are you telling me the Clintons never had it rough with media?

    During a campaign? The only time I recall a Clinton being treated unfairly in a campaign since I've been aware of them starting in 1992 was when Hillary ran against Obama.

    > Now which one is kind of socialist?

    Please understand the concept before throwing it around.

    But, I suppose, since you have anonymity here, you don't feel inclined to be factually correct in your arguments.

    That is an entertaining effort from Democrats, though - it seems you guys think if you call everything Socialist that nothing will be Socialist.
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    I understand it well, from yo ur posts you don't appear too.

    As far as the negative, what do you expect? Look at the ticket. There's not much positive there.
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    Funny suff here, keep it up!

    As an old fart, I remeber my dumbocrat idol Jimmy "the geek" Cater in 1992 explaining how gasahol was goin to end US dependence on oil.

    Yea right Jimmy, and we loved your 16% unemployment, 18% home loans so much we created a scoreboard called the misery index.

    Jimmy had help too, seems the Dumbos has control of just about the entire goverment, and proved how well socilaism works.

    I sure do miss the good old days ..........
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    Have you been paying attention? The Republicans are giving you the ole socialism.

    700+ Billion bailout = socialism

    McCain's plan to buy up 300 Billion mortgages = socialism, he got ripped apart on conservative blogs on that one.

    Giving $5000 away to buy health insurance to everybody? Um, that's right socialism.
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    I agree,and about the only difference between the Dumbocrats and Republicrats is a D or R after their names.

    So your choice is not he Sapranos, but is the D-apranos or the R-apranos.

    If I have to choose I will pick the R's cause they are like Parannas, one gets caught doing something wrong and the rest destroy them, unlike the D's that take everpain to protect the wrong-doer and project blame on someone else, like Georgie Bush. (re: La. Rep. William Jefferson vs MS. Rep. Tent Lott)

    Anyone can delude themselves that Obama, like David Koresh or Jim Jones or Adolph Hiltler or Louis Farrakhan, is the savior of the world, just dont expect intellignet free thinks to drink their, your, or anyone elses cooklaid.


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