Ideas for Real Change from Barack Obama

February 1, 2009 · Filed Under Opinion 

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Cristy Moore sent in the following ideas for change from the Obama administration, as opposed to the lack of charge marked by the administration to date.

Here are some ideas for REAL change!

1. Limit Congress from serving more than 2 terms.
2. Stop Congress from voting for their own raises.
3. Stop paying for lawmakers’ high-priced insurance premiums.
4. Stop paying lawmakers their full salary after sering just one term or at retirement.
5. Make Congress pay into the Social Security system. If they spent some of their own money, they might be interested in making it solvent.
6. Stop handing out aid to illegal aliens.
7. Secure our borders.
8. Stop allowing babies born to illegal aliens in the U.S. automatic U.S. citizenship.
9. Stop the abuse of our benevolent welfare system. Free everything. What are these parents doing for their children?
10. Have a computer program cross-check Social Security numbers with fingerprints to stop fraud. Voter registration too.
11. Stop ALL unnecessary spending and a) help needy and elderly Americans, b) nation’s security.
12. Stop permitting ID photos with faces covered on driver’s licenses.


Don’t run on change if you’re just going to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.

I haven’t heard any “hope” so far - just fear mongering about the economy.


Viewing 2 Comments

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    Terrible list, Cristy, you don't seem to understand politics or the nation's current problems.

    1. If Congress served just two terms, nothing would ever get done. That is to say, even less than already gets done. This is like throwing a wrench in the gears of a train going 2 mph.
    2. Good idea.
    3. Debatable...I really can't find out how much money this is siphoning either. Did you? Can you?
    4. Fine
    5. I don't understand how this plan works. How is Congress going to pay into Social Security? This seems like a meaningless phrase
    6, 7, 8. I get it, you don't like illegal aliens. Fine, but how are these a main problem in this age of disaster? Also, securing our borders also costs money we don't have.
    9. Stop abuse how? How??? More monitoring, which would cost more money, or less handouts, which would mean more legitimate recipients on the streets?
    10. I don't understand exactly what you're saying here, but it just sounds stupid.
    11. Oh, stop ALL unnecessary spending. Except leave national security matters untouched. Like a trillion dollar war that's going nowhere.
    12. Seriously? THIS is a MAIN PROBLEM?

    Weak list, awful issues, no intelligence put into this. I could have asked any hillbilly in rural Arkansas what Obama could do better and he would have come up with a list at least as good.
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    Alex Vance,

    " Terrible list, Cristy, you don't seem to understand politics or the nation's current problems."

    So I ask you Mr. Vance, what are your solutions to her points?

    "Weak list, awful issues, no intelligence put into this. I could have asked any hillbilly in rural Arkansas what Obama could do better and he would have come up with a list at least as good."

    Is this quote of yoursthe best you can come up with. I think I understand though, you must be from suburban Arkansas.

    I think I hear a "Parrot" talking!


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